
This is our caregiver life. Two moms and five kids (two who have Down syndrome), two husbands and two dogs total. This is our journey.

A Message From Erin Croyle

Our Caregiver Life is a lifestyle web hub like no other. We are both are passionate about filling the void of relatable and useful content for parents who also serve as unpaid (or under-paid) caregivers.

It’s impossible to comprehend how drastically your life changes when a loved one has a life-long disability unless it happens to you. You’re suddenly a caregiver without even knowing what that means.

Until you do.

Life becomes relentless. Caregiving is 24/7. Even if you manage to get some respite, your head and your heart are always with your loved one.

Our Caregiver Life will share the many joys and struggles we face; like when you bring home the puppy your daughter has been begging for only to discover that this adorable creature is a crap ton of work – both literally and figuratively.

We’ll also bring you the latest tips, tricks, hacks, research, news, trends, and more that impacts our unique existence as parents, caregivers, children, siblings, fur parents, partners, lovers, friends, fighters, advocates, athletes, bookworms … and humans.

We’re just getting started and invite you to share and grow with us!